Eurasian Grassland Conference 2024


27/08/2024, 16:00 to 16:15

Challenges and Solutions in the Restoration of Dry Continental Grasslands in Brandenburg / Germany

The habitat types 6120* (Xeric sand calcareous grasslands) and 6240* (Sub-Pannonic steppic grasslands) in Brandenburg face numerous challenges. We will share the key challenges in restoring these valuable ecosystems and discuss potential solutions. A particular focus is placed on the efforts of the Stiftung NaturSchutzFonds Brandenburg within the framework of two LIFE projects. The loss of traditional land use practices, such as extensive grazing and mowing, significantly contributes to the decline of these habitat types. These practices are essential for maintaining biodiversity but are often economically unattractive and therefore declining. Another central issue is the lack of long-term financial security for the long-term management of grassland habitats. Sustainable financing is crucial but often difficult to secure, complicating the long-term maintenance and monitoring of the areas. A major threat are invasive species, which displace native flora and reduce biodiversity, requiring extensive and costly control measures. Climate change exacerbates this issue through extreme weather events such as droughts, which jeopardize the stability of restored areas. Land-use intensification near protected areas, such as industrial agriculture, leads to nutrient inputs and pesticide contamination, significantly hindering restoration efforts. This complicates the re-establishment of sensitive dry grassland plants that prefer nutrient-poor conditions. Legal conflicts, particularly the regulations of the Forest Act and the Soil Protection Act, can hinder the management of existing habitats and the creation of new habitats. The grazing of forest areas may be restricted by regulations as well as the recreation of bare soil areas. Nevertheless, these measures are crucial to maintain and redevelop suitable site conditions for dry grassland species. In two LIFE projects, the Stiftung NaturSchutzFonds Brandenburg has gained a wealth of experience in dealing with these challenges. In the presentation, we would like to show how we deal with these difficulties and have contributed significantly to the conservation and restoration of habitat types 6120* and 6240* in Brandenburg / Germany.

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