Eurasian Grassland Conference 2024


29/08/2024, 12:25 to 12:30

The orchid species diversity of Makovytsya mountain (Ukraine)

Many species of Orchidaceae (Juss.) family have vulnerable or endangered status in Eastern and Western Europe. Among the main factors which influence on distribution of orchids are ecological, biological and anthropogenic. Usually, the ways of orchid conservation include research connected with taxonomy, geographic distribution, impact evaluation of ecological and antropogenic factors on orchid populations. The present study of Orchidaceae family was carried out on Makovytsya montain from June 2016 till September 2021 by rout-field method. Author made 10 observations and identified 7 species. The recent protective status for each identified variety was evaluated according to Red book of Ukraine and IUCN Red List categories of vascular plant species of the Ukrainian flora. Following species were identified: Neotinea ustulata (status Vu – national category; LC – global category; e – Red book); Dactylorhiza maculata (LC – national category; LC, – global category; v – Red book; D. fuchsii (LC – national category; LC – global category; ne – Red book); D. majalis (LC – national category; LC – global category; r - Red book); Gymnadenia conopsea (LC – national category; LC – global category; v- Red book); Platanthera bifolia (LC – national category; LC – global category; ne - Red book); Epipactis helleborine ( LC – national category; LC – global category; ne - Red book). The obtained geolocation data with photos were deposited in iNaturalist database. The following information was included into project Wild Orchids of Western Palearctic. Then the analysis of data, dedicated to Orchidaceae species distributed on Makovytsya mountain, deposited in iNaturalist & Ukrbin databases was conducted. According data presented in iNaturalist for Makovytsya mountain no additional identifications of other orchid species was made. According information in Ukrbin – only 5 species with 6 localities were mentioned for Makovytsya mountain: E. helleborine, G. conopsea, N. ustulata, P. bifolia, Traunsteinea globose. Thus, the further studies of orchids distribution on this region should be made.

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